President John F. Kennedy 1963
40th Anniversary of the Assassination
of John F. Kennedy
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November 22, 2003 On November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in a brutal fashion, with his brains blown out. Since the History Channel's airing of "The Men who Killed Kennedy" and its powerful new evidence, I am convinced that Lyndon B. Johnson ordered the President shot with the help of many within the government. J. Edgar Hoover covered it up and the CIA arranged for the assassins through the Mafia. There were three gunman with the fatal shot coming from the storm drain under the sidewalk. Sadly, this assassination strategy was actually the framework taken from Robert F. Kennedy's plans to have Fidel Castro assassinated. RFK suspected this and believed he was partly responsible for his brother's murder.

When I learned of this, I became extremely angry. I can't comprehend the degree of evil of what these men in government did. They changed the course of history and we still exist in the same alternate reality that happened due to that murderous act. Our world clearly would be a different place had Kennedy lived. Viet Nam would have been over in 1965 instead of 1972. We are still on the alternate reality branching from that ugly, disturbing event in history. The son of George Bush, who was part of the CIA in 1963, is in power today. Bush continually lies and covers-up while wanting to take away people's rights I believe for fear they will discover the big lies of what he and his buddies are really in the government for -- oil, money and power.

This is the type of "parallel" universe Brain Channels is referring to.  It is obvious to me, the strong momentum of the reality in 1963 Kennedy was gaining for the nation and future, that was suddenly stopped cold in its tracks. That's not supposed to happen. It sent shockwaves all over the world. He was a truly loved man by the common people. Had it been a natural death from heart attack, that would have been different -- that would have been a natural thing that happened. The murder planned by those in the government itself -- that was insane and clearly indicates to me we are still in the same alternate reality of that big lie. Perhaps the recent grab for power in California by an actor with no political background is the clearest indicator that government is based on lies. Since people accepted the government's version of the Warren Report, many can't tell the difference between truth and lies any longer. Frauds can easily take over the government as a result.

Everything about our government today seems to be lies. The ones in power are all about greed, their own friends and pocketbooks. Kennedy cared about people. He was already wealthy and money wasn't his motivation for being in power. He had good intentions. Had a Republican been in power during the days of the greatest threat to human survival, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, we probably wouldn't be here at all. Kennedy bought us time, but our time is running out. We need to expose this alternate reality we were thrown into is based on lies and delusions of greedy ill men at the top, and get back into that parallel universe where we belong.

The first step is to acknowledge the accused killer of Kennedy, Lee Harvey Oswald, was an innocent man. I hereby exonerate Oswald as an innocent man who was part of the CIA trying to penetrate the conspiracy to save Kennedy. Oswald was Johnson's patsy. The evidence is overwhelming and clear for anyone to see based on the History Channel's documentary.
