"We say that Netwon discovered gravitation. Was it sitting anywhere in a corner waiting for him? It was in his own mind. The right time came and he found it out. All the knowledge that the world has ever received comes from the mind; the infinite library of the universe is in your own mind. The external world is simply the suggestion, the occasion, which sets you to studying your own mind." Vivekananda, 19th century Hindu Monk who opened Western world to Eastern psychology.

In his book, "Life of the Mind," J.R. Challacombe states, "The power that drives metamorphosis is the mind energized by unknowing and wonder. It is then that the unexpected things can occur. Good evidence abounds that many of our breakthrough discoveries about the nature of our world and our existence were made by individuals whose minds had for a moment a special experience of a time which is neither yesterday or tomorrow."

Albert Einstein, considered by many to be the most pivotal, scientific genius of the 20th Century, was not taught by the status quo establishment, and even dropped out of his high school math class. No one could have ever predicted that a patent clerk with a meager educational background like Albert Einstein would turn modern science upside down based on his discoveries of the Theory of Relativity. Einstein clearly abandoned the confusing maze of egocentric walls constructed by the status quo, by unlocking the answers to questions posed within his own mind, as did many of the great minds before him.

Accelerating the Brain's Evolutionary Process

Though very few people today have the discovery-mode type of mind Einstein possessed, there is a process of which we can better understand to accelerate the evolutionary process within our own minds. J.R. Challacombe paints an insightful picture of the process of how an anomaly forms in the human mind, and how another unseen dimension works to find a solution:

While some neuroscientists are beginning to see how implanted computer chips may enhance the functions of the human brain,
a fundamental understanding should not be overlooked that it is the human mind that created the external computer chip in the first place. So how can we tap into that part of our brain that already possesses the type of computing power our present machines still don't come close to? Understanding the process of how anomalies form within our mind, and how we find solutions posed by them, may very well be the key to unlocking and accelerating our evolutionary process.

Inf Information derived from:

Life of the Mind - The Vision Cry, J.R. Challacombe
Claire Studies, 1995

NeuroMaster, Sean Stewart
Wired Magazine, February, 2000